
Venus fast tracks boots-on-ground fieldwork at WA gold project

Rowena DuckworthSponsored
Venus Metals will soon get more boots on the ground at its 90-per cent-owned Bellchambers gold discovery in the WA goldfields.
Camera IconVenus Metals will soon get more boots on the ground at its 90-per cent-owned Bellchambers gold discovery in the WA goldfields. Credit: FIle

Venus Metals has fast tracked boots-on-ground field work at its 90per cent- owned Bellchambers gold project, near Sandstone in the West Australian goldifelds, in preparation for a comprehensive drilling program the company plans to start in the next two months.

The Bellchambers gold deposit comprises 722,000 tonnes at 1.31 grams per tonne (g/t) gold and is just 70 kilometres by road from the Youanmi gold project being progressed by Rox Resources.

Venus late last year signalled its intention to push forward with the development of Bellchambers by lodging a 415-hectare mining lease over the deposit.

Gold production at the site dates back to 1908, with historical figures showing 3688 ounces extracted at an impressive average grade of 21g/t gold. Numerous drill holes in the area returned encouraging results including an 11-metre hit at 4.69g/t gold from 12m, with 1m jagging a tidy 38.92g/t gold.

The company’s latest field work will involve mapping, rock chip sampling and logistical work to get the drill rods spinning as soon as possible. Venus intends to utilise both reverse circulation and diamond drill rigs over the coming months in a concerted effort to define additional potential gold mineralisation between Bellchambers and its nearby Range View deposit.

Gold in the area is hosted within a steeply dipping sequence of sheared sulphide-rich sediments and mafic rocks, interlayered with thin chert and a complex folded and sheared banded iron formation. It shows distinct similarities with banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralisation from within the central section of the Sandstone Greenstone Belt.

The field work will deliver Venus with another layer of data to help it select drill hole locations for testing potential targets. The Bellchambers deposit is open at depth and along strike, and the upcoming drilling program will enhance and potentially extend the area’s known gold mineralisation.

Venus also hopes the campaign will convert portions of the indicated gold mineralisation to the measured category and enable it to collect sufficient samples for more comprehensive metallurgical test work and other studies.

Its neighbour, Rox Resources, has signalled its willingness to negotiate a potential mine gate sale agreement on a best endeavours basis as part of the transaction consolidating interest in the company’s Youanmi gold project.

The 415ha mining lease application includes additional areas considered prospective for additional gold resources and for position open pits, waste dumps and stockpiles. Future work programs will include pit optimisation studies, additional drilling in key areas and metallurgical test work to confirm expected high gold recoveries.

Venus believes successful exploration drilling could significantly change the flavour and scope of the resource in this area and be a valuable add-on to the current metrics. If the gold price keeps trending up, fast tracking this project could reap rewards sooner rather than later.

Is your ASX-listed company doing something interesting? Contact: matt.birney@wanews.com.au

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