
Hitch-hiking sparrows targeted

HAYDN TUIABunbury Herald

Bunbury residents are being urged by the Department of Agriculture and Food to be on the lookout for free-loading birds arriving at Bunbury Port.

Hitchhiking on ships from Asia, tree sparrows are a declared pest in Western Australia with more sightings expected in port cities between now and June.

Thanks to proactive measures by the department, there are no wild populations established in the State, but invasive species project manager Tim Stevens said the public would play an important role in keeping it that way.

‘‘It’s always good to have more eyes on the ground — we can’t be everywhere at once,’’ Mr Stevens said.

‘‘Between now and June we expect to manage a number of cases along the coast with the highest numbers being between Perth and Bunbury and Dampier to Port Hedland.’’

Similar looking to a finch and about 15cm long, the brown or dark grey birds have a streaked back and a wedge-shaped beak.

Hopping along the ground rather than walking, tree sparrows are attracted to bird-feeding tables, aviaries and grain storage facilities.

The exotic species has already become established in the eastern States and if left unchecked, Mr Stevens said the exotic species would spread avian diseases and damage crops.

‘‘They out-compete native species and do a lot of damage to vineyards and horticulture and for what they are they are dirty little critters,’’ Mr Stevens said.

Mr Stevens encouraged people sighting unusual birds fitting the pest’s description to report it to the department even if they were unsure it was a tree sparrow.

Sightings can be reported to the department’s Pest and Disease Information Service on freecall 1800 084 881.

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