
New growth plan for Greater Bunbury unveiled

Bunbury Herald

State Planning Minister John Day visited Bunbury today to announce the release of a new growth strategy for Bunbury and the surrounding towns over the next forty years.

Mr Day said the draft Greater Bunbury Strategy would guide the management of the long-term growth of the area.

Picture: Planning Minister John Day

“The strategy will promote residential growth in the existing urban area including the Bunbury CBD, around activity centres and along public transport routes, in areas of cultural interest and within the town sites of Harvey, Brunswick, Burekup, Boyanup, Dardanup and Capel,” Mr Day said.

“It also identifies a 350-hectare site east of Eaton for a potential new site to accommodate future population growth. Planning for this area will be considered after 2021, if there is demand for additional land supply.

“Importantly, the strategy will help retain assets including those of heritage and biodiversity value and areas of natural beauty and rural landscapes.

“The draft Activity Centres for Greater Bunbury policy reflects the intention of the Directions 2031 vision to encourage and consolidate residential and commercial development in activity centres so they contribute to a balanced network.

“Both the draft strategy and policy recognise the economic diversity within the area and the need to deliver quality key infrastructure to ensure equitable access to services such as housing, employment, education, health and recreation areas.”

The draft Greater Bunbury Strategy incorporates the Greater Bunbury Structure Plan 2011-2031 and was prepared in consultation with the local governments of Bunbury, Capel, Dardanup and Harvey and various infrastructure and service providers.

The Draft Activity Centres for Greater Bunbury Policy will replace the 2007 Interim Greater Bunbury Commercial Centres Strategy.

Public information sessions to inform the community about the Greater Bunbury Strategy are scheduled for:

Monday, July 4 (6pm-8pm) Bunbury Library, Parkfield Street, Bunbury

Thursday, July 7 (1pm-3pm) Bunbury Library, Parkfield St, Bunbury

Wednesday, July 13 (6pm-8pm) Dardanup Town Hall, Ferguson Rd, Dardanup

Wednesday, July 20 (6pm-8pm) Capel Hall, Forrest Road, Capel

Wednesday, July 27 (6pm-8pm) Leschenault Leisure Centre, Leisure Drive, Australind

Wednesday, August 3 (6pm-8pm) Harvey Town Hall, Uduc Road, Harvey

Registrations to attend one of these sessions can be made to the Department of Planning (Bunbury) on 9791 0577 or emailing sue.schaffner@planning.wa.gov.au.

Both the draft Greater Bunbury Strategy and the Activity Centres for Greater Bunbury Policy are available from the Planning WA website at http://www.planning.wa.gov.au.

Hard copies and CD versions are available for viewing at local government offices and libraries.

Online and written submissions will be accepted on the draft Greater Bunbury Strategy for a three month period until Tuesday, October 4, and on the draft Activity Centres for Greater Bunbury policy for a two-month period until Monday, August 29.

Separate submissions must be made for each document.

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