In pictures: Bunbury Regional Art Gallery opens Noongar Country 2022 art exhibition

Luke McPhersonBunbury Herald
Camera IconJohnny Westwood, Robyn Hutchinson, Ella Westwood, 11, Jade Westwood, 9, and Swag and Rhonda Taylor. Credit: Luke McPherson

The Bunbury Regional Art Gallery opened its annual Noongar Country art exhibition on Friday evening, with established and emerging Indigenous artists living in the area entering works in the spectacular exhibit.

The 2022 exhibit was curated by Amanda Bell, Karen Morgan and Katelyn Whitehurst and centred around the theme Kaarla Koort-ak: Woonya, Moort, Boodja — Hearts on Fire: Love, Family, Country.

Noongar artist Swag Taylor’s piece Untitled Landscape won the top prize of the night — the Alcoa award — while Cassandra Bynder won the emerging art award for her piece Healing on Heart Country (Karlup Mabarn).

Taylor’s piece was bought by a Johnny Westwood and Robyn Hutchinson on the night.

Noongar Country 2022 is free to visit and will be on display from 10 am to 4 pm daily until August 21.

Camera IconNoongar Country 2022 curator Amanda Bell, Alcoa Award winner Swag Taylor, wife Rhonda, and curator Karen Morgan. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconPaul Griffin, Rasti Kay, 8, Evie Jabs, 9, Katie Van Den Brand, Zev Jabs, 8, Alex Beswick, 8. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconEmerging Art Award winner Cassandra Bynder. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconJassi Cain, 14, Isla Rechichi, 14, and Georgia Howley, 14. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconJenny Burton, Rhonda Norman and Tania McInnes. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconCyrus Kaye and Oli Beswick. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconMelba Wallam and Karen Jetta. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconCity of Bunbury councillor Gabi Ghasseb and Peter Jetta. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconRobert Gates. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconSarah Lewis and Scott Radici. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconNoongar Country 2022 curator Katelyn Whitehurst and Amber Norrish. Credit: Luke McPherson
Camera IconSheree Dohnt, Ila Dohnt, 4, Steven Troy. Credit: Luke McPherson

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